Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Simply Bananas Late August Update


It's Been Quite a Summer... for us Banana-heads!  We certainly could not have asked for a better summer for these plants.  First of all we have had PLENTY of regular rain.  There have been few week-long or longer dry-spells, keeping water costs down.  The temperatures have not been too extreme and this keeps us interested in visiting the plants during the day.  Finally, rain that falls 2, 3, 5, and seven days a week, every week is certainly a key to the beautiful plants that are now evident in the LowCountry.  

Support the Fruits--Bad things can happen to unsupported bananas.  Banana roots are shallow and over-wintered stalks may not be as strong as they need to be to support heavy bunches of fruits.  We are in Tropical Storm season and you don't want those plants blowing over should one come nearby.  Prop up you bearing stalks or tie them off to something solid.

The LowCountry Fruit Growers Society---is alive and kicking!  I attended a meeting this last weekend and really enjoyed learning about what people around here are growing.  I even won a Pineapple Guava plant.
The next meeting will be on Sunday September 15, here at the Simply Bananas Banana Plantation.  If you are interested in learning more about the LowCountry Fruit Growers Society and coming to the next meeting, check out this link: Lowcountry Fruit Growers Society

We'd like to send a huge Thank You--to all of the Simply Banana friends who supported our trail-camera fund raiser project in Costa Rica back in the early summer.
As you can see, we exceeded our goal.  The cameras are clicking away in Costa Rica even as you read this.  We had great success in the jungle as well.  244 images were recorded in 12 days of camera usage.  Here are some of the images.  
Maximize the screen size to see everything:

If anyone is interesting in contributing, follow this link: Ocho Verde Wildlife

8 More Weeks--in the 2013 Planting season.  We hate to see it go, but there is still plenty of time to get new plants in the ground.  Our 8th season at the Charleston Farmer's Market will conclude on Saturday September 7th.  

The How's it Hangin' Section--where you can show us how your bananas hang.
Michael's unattended Ice Cream Bananas on James Island

One of Penny's two  Ice Cream Banana bunches,  James Island

Simply Bananas Sabas

Simply Bananas Sabas
Simply Bananas Dwarf Namwahs

Simply Bananas Bordelon ornamental bananas and flower.

John's Goose Creek Bananas

Doug n Gina's Dwarf Namwah from Mount Pleasant
Simply Bananas Orinoco(foreground) & Ice Cream(background)

Kate and the Edisto Sabas

See you next time!

Comments are welcome.

Visit us on the Facebook page for important information: Mash Here

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